Monday, August 20, 2007

i wish we all could be california girls...

apparently, it's not just me. even the Seattle Weekly commented that we're getting the shaft this summer when it comes to sunshine. i cut it out for validation. it's going on my fridge.

(just in case you're wondering, it's raining today, rained yesterday, and not lookin' good for tomorrow. but not to be a complete sourpuss, we got a whole two hot days last week (seattle's version of hot: 80 degrees) which found francis and i at the beach. it was lovely. i read, he played...i only wish it wasn't so rare... )

so pretty much, if it's nice out, we're outside. it's a given.
(and if it's not nice out, don't ask...)
we've hit up the beach, the zoo, the park.
we caught an outdoor cinema at seattle center and saw "the princess bride". francis loved it! he laughed the whole way thru. we've gone to baseball games, and the highlight earlier this month was Seafair, when the Navy ships come to town and you get to tour them, for free! and the Blue Angels do their thing...very exciting!

we've been staying up late, and watching baseball games and old tv shows: Buck Rogers, Wonder Woman, and our new favorite that we never watched as a child but my dad did and introduced us: Have Gun, Will Travel.

i just finished reading Sense and Sensibility. and we've been listening to a whole lot of the Beach Boys. we started listening to it to show it to francis, but he took off with it and now requests it all the time, and sings is so cute.

he said: "mama, what's a teeter?"
i said: "i don't know what you mean, say it in a sentence."
he said: "and we'll have fun fun fun til daddy takes the teeter away!"

and so on and so forth...


bandwidow said...

So sweet. One year for the Christmas service you could hear me belt "The catalog's are lowing," instead of "The cattle are lowing,"from Away in a family still brings it up.

sarah diama said...

yup, my sister and I thought the beach boys song went "and we'll have fun fun fun til daddy takes the TV away!" fun stuff!

stephy said...

ha ha, we did the same thing, put the Beach Boys on heavy rotation this summer to expose the kids to it. Judah said randomly at bedtime "Why the beach people are singing about a little surfer?"
I read Brian Wilson's autobiography this summer, have you read it?