Friday, October 12, 2007

october skies and other things

not much to report: after two weeks of gray and rain, today there is some sun, which throws me into delusions of hopefulness that it may last the weekend...

i finally faced reality and washed all our summer clothes and bedding and packed it all away; i normally relish the changing of the seasons, but this summer was so weak i was just really hoping for an indian summmer, but no...

however, i DO love fall, and having grown up on the east coast, it has always been a favorite season. here in seattle, you gotta catch it while you can, for the rain quickly turns the leaves to mush, and the gray dims the brightness of the colors falling to the ground. francis and i have collected a few leaves already, (it's tricky finding dry ones) and placed them into books stacked around the house. he still loves collecting leaves, and i find it so endearing. (i've posted some photos on my flikr page, if you want to check 'em out...)

yes, i do love the changing of the seasons! we finished eating the last of the summer plums, and now we're looking forward to: clementines! pomegranates! digging out the rainboots, and wool sweaters, tweed coats, and plaid scarves; making hot chai and hot chocolate... turning the radiator on "high"...

we're flying out to PA next weekend, to stay with my parents, to attend a friends wedding, and i very much look forward to seeing: friends and family, and the east coast october sky and colors, if only for a few days...

um...what else?

francis ran three and a half miles (!!)in his school jogathon fundraiser, and collected over $400 for his school! he ran a mile more than last year! i gotta say, we were very impressed!

i finished reading the sherlock holmes book and decided NOT to read it to francis; it ended up being a murder mystery, and a bit graphic, so now i'm reading to him "adventures of huckleberry finn" (after francis finished reading tom sawyer, loved it, and wanted whatever came next.) i got a couple chapters into huck finn before i realized... hmmm...i'm glad he's not reading this by himself, because there's a lot of language editing i need to do. so i did a little research. i find out it's been banned variously and continuously since its publication, but has also been, by some, considered one of the great american novels of all time. so. i guess i'm abrigding it as i go along, but- francis is really enjoying it. it has adventures, of course, however, it's heavier than tom sawyer, and it opens up discussion for the times, slavery, our country's history,etc. etc. which is good.
francis told me that if he lived in the times of martin luther king jr, that he would have "voted for him". i asked what he meant. and he said well, he was trying to get people equal, but some people who even went to church weren't trying to get people equal and didn't even want them equal, and that even tho he (francis) went to church, he would have voted for martin luther king jr. because he, too, wanted everyone to be equal.

and THAT just about sums up a good day...


bandwidow said...

What a thoughtful little person you've raised Rachel! Kinda got misty thinking about him, good kid. I've really been into the leaves around too, we went to the zoo yesterday and all the photo's I took were not of animals or El, but of the changing colors. You're right; catch it while you can!

Jennifer said...

where've you been? i was going to post about the leaves too but you and ann beat me to it and can only read about seattle colors so many times.
francis, our little social activist!

sarah diama said...

I really miss leaves. and fall. and cooler weather. but I've been slowly collecting more huge palm leaves for printing! we'll see. It great to hear that Francis is applying reading to domains outside of just the story! fun stuff. I'm glad you read to him, I still love being read to...