Thursday, April 9, 2009

i know, i know...

i have not been around on this for quite some time, and i have been reminded and coaxed and urged. quite frankly, the days continue to be gray, and there's not much to write about, or rather, that i feel like writing about. i feel like the pictures i'm taking are the exact same pictures i took last year, and the things i wanted to accomplish by now (mainly: detailing our trip to europe and getting it in "blurb" book form) have not yet come to pass, and i disappoint myself in the lack of accomplishment and self-motivation. i feel like my creative bird has flown the coop. not to sound completely depressed, i'm not. just going thru a writer's block, actually, not even a block. "block" would imply the desire to write, but with no words coming. but lately there hasn't even been the desire to write. just to hibernate...
but spring is coming, trees are blooming, and i hope to crawl out soon.
thank you for the encouragement!
xo rachel


bandwidow said...

well, i'm glad you something out...i'll wait patiently, it's always worth it.

melissa said...

oooohhhh thank you!!!! even if it was just a nod in our direction, i'm so happy to hear anything! your photos are never the keep snapping. miss you!!! can't wait to hear more!

sarah diama said...

oh fun Rachel! good to get another small window into your life out there. and no need to explain yourself, we just enjoy your writing! I also love your pictures - and agree with Melissa, that they are never the same. Hope all is well! xoxo